We are the entrepreneurial development bank of Colombia.
Bancóldex boosts economic development through the support of msme productivity, export enhancement, and promoting environmental sustainability.
Bancóldex boosts economic development through the support of msme productivity, export enhancement, and promoting environmental sustainability.
As a business development bank, Bancóldex seeks to generate IMPACT in the companies and in the environments in which it operates. Thus, the Bank can consider its mission accomplished if, in addition to the organic results of its exercise, it shows that it has the desired effects on fronts such as: environmental sustainability, gender equity, business growth, regionalization, technical assistance, among others.
Bancóldex has drawn up four major strategic lines offering solutions for micro, small, medium and large companies. Each solution has products that are offered through our national or international financial allies or directly.
More Productive
A. The micro focus seeks to increase the formalization of micro-enterprises, promote job creation and increase disbursements in sectors other than those traditionally supported by Bancóldex.
B. The SME focus seeks to support investments by SMEs for modernization, innovation and digitization, among others
More Sustainable
Sustainable finance seeks to promote company investments in projects that generate environmental, social and economic value, through financial and non-financial products. This focus is divided into 3 pillars, whose bets are:
• Green Growth: Efficiency and energy transition, circular economy, bioeconomy and climate change.
• Social Welfare: Gender equality and diversity and inclusion.
• Creative and Cultural Industries
More Global
Bancóldex contributes to the positioning of the Colombian exportable offer abroad and to deepen the internationalization of the Colombian business fabric, with the bank's traditional portfolio and with new products and services, which are relevant in pre-shipment and post-shipment activities, in the processes of internationalization of companies.
Bancóldex will continue to support the Colombian business fabric in the face of economic, social and environmental crises.
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