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Formation of the Board of Directors of Bancóldex

Numeral 3 ° Art. 281 of Decree Law 663 of 1993 (Organic Statute of the cantFinancial System) and Art. 45 of the Bylaws



Germán Umaña Mendoza 

Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism. 


Francisco Barnier González

Delegate by the Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism. 


Jose Roberto Acosta Ramos 

Head of Public Credit and National Treasury. Delegate by the Minister of Finance and Public Credit 

Piedad Muñoz Rojas

Head of State Participations.  
Alternate appointed by the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit 

Saúl Pineda Hoyos

Appointed by the General Assembly of Shareholders

Astrid Martínez Ortiz

Appointed by the General Assembly of Shareholders


Carlos Alberto Garay Salamanca

Representative of the private sector appointed by the President of Colombia.


Adriana Senior Mojica 

Representative of the private sector appointed by association of exporters.

Luis Gustavo Flórez Enciso

CEO of ACICAM, representative of the private sector appointed by association of exporters


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